Thursday, July 3, 2014

America's Test Kitchen Cooking School

One of my goals for the time Ryan is deployed is to become a better cook.  I want to do it by working through America's Test Kitchen's Cooking School cookbook.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Post #1

Let's see if this one sticks.

I've probably attempted four or five blogs now.  I think that honestly, the likelihood of hitting it big blogging is a thing of the early 2000s, but I do like the idea of a semi-secret online diary.  So here goes.  Number five...or six.

Day 3 of Husband's deployment.  So far, I'm sticking to my goals.  I made a nice little list of things to work on while he's gone.  I want to:

Use Myfitnesspal every day.
Eat healthy, planned meals.
Get 30 minutes of exercise a day.
Walk Winston every day.
Build a kitchen island.
Finish knitting my cowl.
Make a quilt top.
Complete one sewn garment.
Read a book a month.
Outline a novel.
Work my way through the Cooks Illustrated Cooking School Cookbook.